The Truth About My Twin Brother’s Suicide

David Graham-Caso
16 min readDec 16, 2021

Content Warning: This essay includes discussion of suicide, domestic violence and abuse.

UPDATE: Two days after posting this story, I was contacted by Medium Support, threatening to suspend my account if I did not redact the names of the people who abused my brother into suicide. I believe that accountability is important, which is why I included their names in the initial post, but in the interest of ensuring what I hoped would be a story that could help support other victims of abuse, I have redacted my brother’s abuser’s names — and the text messages that verify the story—in the updated version below.

On the first anniversary of my identical twin brother’s suicide, his wife posted photos of a mural she paid to have painted of him at a public street art gallery near where they lived in Berlin. Though it was a decent likeness, he would have absolutely hated it.

Usually an introvert, I can imagine the incredible and intense discomfort and anxiety my brother would feel knowing that there existed a mural with a massive depiction of his face for strangers to gawk at and wonder about; but that wasn’t what bothered me so much that day. While the mural showed his face, it wasn’t about him — it was about his wife. It depicted some of the pieces of my brother’s life that his wife controlled, but omitted any reference to so much of who he truly was. For me, it was a reminder that my brother spent the final years of his life with someone who stubbornly refused to get to know the real him, and who destroyed the person I knew better than words can describe. I was bothered by what I saw as her attempt to have some control over his legacy - in how he will be remembered. Given how influential I believe the abuse his wife inflicted on Kevin was in my brother’s suicide, I have a very big problem with her version of Kevin being who is remembered.

His story isn’t hers to tell.

This essay is my attempt to share my brother’s truth because I believe some good can come from more people knowing what happened to him and what it says about the reality of domestic abuse. This is a tragic story of how Kevin was abused so severely, first by a famous producer former boss and then by his wife, that he ultimately took his own life. While I don’t deny that after reading this, the people who knew and loved Kevin will know who is at least partially responsible for their grief, this essay isn’t intended as revenge. Rather, it is accountability; and it is a plea for change.

I do not share these painful and personal stories lightly. It isn’t a vanity exercise like I believe his wife’s anniversary mural was — this is instead written in the hope that someone may someday be better able to support someone they love if they see them suffering this same kind of abuse. It is written in the hope that things can change if we better understand what abuse really looks like, and the damage it does to victims. It is my likely naive grasp at assigning some lasting meaning to a tragedy that will fill my remaining days with heartbreak, grief, and longing for my twin brother.


This story starts in 2008, when Kevin had a traumatic experience working with disgraced film and theater producer (whose name Medium policy seeks to protect for some reason).

Kevin, circa 2008

Kevin’s experience with the producer is important — not just because it is illustrative of what an absolute monster the producer is and how he has treated many people like my brother — but also because I believe it did lasting damage that both primed my brother to accept further abuse and enabled my brother’s future wife to eventually bully him into suicide.

Working for the producer was supposed to be an amazing opportunity for someone who wanted to produce films as my brother so desperately did, and Kevin knew it. It wasn’t just the producer’s collection of awards — he worked with filmmakers, writers and actors whose work Kevin idolized and adored. But he also suffered increasingly intense abuse from the notoriously hostile and aggressive boss.

Kevin had moved to New York and I was still in Los Angeles, so we were living in different cities for the first time in our lives and made sure to speak frequently. When we did, he would share stories of being berated by his boss for things out of his control. Kevin had things thrown at him, from office supplies to phones and other handheld electronics. Once, he said that his boss forced him out of a slow-moving car in a fit of anger because a calendar appointment hadn’t yet synced on his phone. Kevin was fired repeatedly in the middle of his boss’ tantrums, but was usually called and asked for something else before he had a chance to pack up his desk and leave.

The stress of his job and the abuse he was suffering took a toll on my brother. He developed severe anxiety and started having panic attacks that caused cold sweats, twisted his stomach into knots, and squeezed what he told me once felt like “a vice in his chest”. During an attack, he would hyperventilate, need to excuse himself if he was in a social setting, and said his vision would sometimes get blurry. He started getting incredibly painful kidney stones, which would continue to plague him for the rest of his life.

After eight months of abuse, Kevin was able to get away from the producer’s influence by taking a job back in LA, but it was clear to anyone who knew him that Kevin was different after New York. His nerves were shot, his career ambition was now plagued by paralyzing self-doubt and an ever-present fear that even slight and insignificant mistakes were devastating, career-ending offenses. He had suffered trauma while working for the producer, and for the rest of Kevin’s life, he would struggle with post-traumatic stress.

The stress manifest into a vicious Catch-22. The anxiety that Kevin developed while suffering his boss’ abuse made it difficult for him to succeed; and his career stagnation only exacerbated the self-doubt that his boss beat into him, which made succeeding in his work so challenging.

Kevin bounced from job to job for a few years, usually making lateral moves that got him no closer to his ambition of writing and developing entertaining and engaging films and shows. Then, at the end of 2016, right as he found himself between gigs, Kevin came into some money after the last of our grandparents passed that allowed him to plan his first-ever visit to Europe. Kevin had traveled the United States extensively, but had never spent time across the Atlantic. The decade of dues-paying and continued effects of the trauma his boss inflicted had worn Kevin down and he saw the European adventure as an opportunity to figure out “where in the everloving fuck” (as he put it) his life was headed. He felt like he was constantly in preparation, patiently waiting for success instead of really going after it. He acknowledged that, in terms of the paradigm Lin-Manuel Miranda created for his main characters in Hamilton, Kevin was too much Burr (“willing to wait for it”) and not enough Hamilton (“past patiently waiting”). He wanted to change that dynamic and was hoping his trip would change his life.

It would, but not like any of us could have predicted.


Kevin kept a travel blog filled with fascinating photos and stories of his many trips to pubs across the European continent, where he usually ended up apologizing in advance for the horror-show that was about to assume office in his home country (welcome to January 2017). Ever a ladies’ man, Kevin met a few women on a few stops, even nearly staying in Dublin at the request of a thoroughly Irish redhead who had charmed him with her brogue. As the trip progressed, however, his blog started to show that he was getting lonely, and that he wasn’t only unsure if he had found what he was looking for on the trip, but that he wasn’t completely sure what it was that he was supposed to be seeking.

That’s when he met [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy].

Kevin was in the midst of a few days in Munich and had just gotten over passing a painful kidney stone when he decided to go out for the night and opened up an international dating app he had relied on to meet people along his trip. He swiped a few times and found [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy]. They matched, ended up meeting, hitting it off, and [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] eventually convinced him to tack an additional few weeks with her in Spain and then Dubai and Munich again onto the end of his trip.

Though it didn’t make it into the travel blog, even the early days of Kevin and [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy]’s relationship foretold trouble. He told me that they got in heated, sangria-fueled arguments on the extended portion of his trip that should have warned Kevin off the fledgling relationship, but my brother was mesmerized by the attractive, successful, wealthy, multilingual woman who professed a similar love of both soccer and travel as Kevin had acquired. By the time he finished writing the final entry in his travel blog, Kevin had decided to move to Munich to be with her.

It was on a family vacation, just a few months after he had relocated that I found out Kevin was in an abusive relationship. It was the first time I had seen him since he moved, and he showed me scratch marks she had left during a fight and told me about how [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] had recently put her hands around his neck and squeezed during another heated confrontation.

I was horrified. I was furious. But most of all I was concerned with getting my brother out of danger. He made a plan and a short while after they got back to Germany, he packed his things and snuck out to avoid a confrontation, getting on a train and then a flight back home to California. He shared the messages she sent him after discovering that he had left. I knew her abuse was more than physical from what Kevin had recounted, but seeing her emotional manipulation in explicit detail was still shocking. She knew exactly what buttons to push to make him feel guilty for leaving. She knew that the life of financial freedom and international travel she could promise was what he wanted. She knew exactly how to apologize, accept his apology for betraying her by leaving (without him ever having to offer it), and flatter him enough to get him to come back. It worked, and after a few weeks back home he was once again packing to move to the other side of the world where he didn’t speak the language, where he knew no one, and where he was as far away from any support network as possible. He proposed soon afterwards, thinking it would help prove to her he wouldn’t leave again, and they were married not long afterwards.


In the final years of Kevin’s life, [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] seemed to be ticking boxes down a checklist of every abusive, controlling, and toxic behavior mentioned in most research on domestic abuse.

She isolated him, driving wedges between him and his family and telling him that she was the only one who would give him the life he wanted. She would get angry at him if he discussed their relationship with anyone in his family, and he and I had to work out a code where it seemed like we were discussing Game of Thrones or comic books if I wanted to check-in on how things were going.

She routinely belittled him and attacked his self-worth, heckling him incessantly about the trouble he was having finding a job in a country where he didn’t speak the language and where his bachelor’s degree in history didn’t necessarily translate to easy job prospects. He told me frequently about the stress his financial struggles added to their relationship and about how aggressive she would get in arguments about money.

Related, but not the same as how she used money to belittle Kevin, his wife also used money to control him. He was completely dependent on her if he wanted to continue living in Germany. His residency, his home, his health care, they all depended on her. He couldn’t leave her without giving up the life abroad that he desperately wanted, and he told me that she reminded him of it frequently. In fact, according to what his wife told us about Kevin’s final day, they were in a heated argument about money when he decided to end his life.

The idea of suicide being the end of an argument wasn’t something Kevin and I encountered in our upbringing. This was something his wife introduced into their relationship, and he told me that she frequently threatened to take her own life during particularly passionate confrontations, and suggested he do the same on more than one occasion.

My brother’s wife abused my brother, bullying him so severely that he decided to kill himself. Many people who love Kevin will be broken forever because [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] abused my brother so severely that he decided to kill himself. My kids won’t get to know their uncle because [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] abused my brother so severely that he decided to kill himself. This world is missing a funny, compassionate, kind, and loving person — someone who had a lot of creativity and insight still to offer, because [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] abused my brother so severely he decided to kill himself. His boss in New York ikn 2008 did significant and lasting damage that I believe undeniably played a role in Kevin’s mental state at the end of his life, but it was [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] who pushed him over the edge. She abused him — so severely that he decided to kill himself.

[Abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] deserves external blame, internal guilt, and the full awareness that the people who love Kevin know what she did to my brother — what she so selfishly stole from them.

Kevin holding his first nephew.


According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in seven men suffer the sort of severe physical abuse Kevin did in his relationship with [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy]. Nearly half of men, according to the same data, have experienced some form of coercive control or psychologically aggressive behavior. What my brother went through wasn’t rare, but it is something that is vastly underreported because of the shame, stigma, and misunderstanding of domestic abuse. Many victims, like my brother, don’t think they will be taken seriously if they report the abuse or seek help, and the experience I had in the wake of Kevin’s death validates that assumption.

Data shows that one in four women and one in seven men are victims of severe violence3 from a partner at some point in their lives.

The circumstances surrounding Kevin’s death were suspicious. The idea that Kevin would be in such a dark place that he could choose to end his life, but not reach out to me or any or his family first, didn’t make sense. The idea that Kevin — a remarkably prolific writer who constantly scribbled in notebooks, notes apps, and anywhere else he could jot down ideas of clever lines of dialogue for future use — would kill himself without leaving a note, sending a goodbye email, or somehow writing something to explain his permanent and drastic action made absolutely no sense at all.

We informed the Berlin police of the suspicious circumstances surrounding Kevin’s death. We told them about the abuse [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] had inflicted on Kevin, about the heated arguments they had frequently, about the fact that someone they just found asphyxiated had previously been strangled by the person who both last saw and found him. We learned that [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] had told the police that Kevin was diagnosed as clinically depressed and bipolar, neither of which were true (Kevin had been seeing a therapist in Berlin, but had not been formally diagnosed with any mental health issue.) We considered the idea that [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] was lying to the police about Kevin’s mental health to make the conclusion of suicide more obiovus to be incredibly suspicious.

With all of this information, we had hoped the police would look into [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy]’s story about the day more, to do any sort of investigation that would give us some faith that the story [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] was telling us was true — or not. That was hoping for far too much.

The police responded to the information about the abuse [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] inflicted on Kevin by pointing out that they had seen both of them, and someone his size would not be in danger around someone her size. They took notes and dutifully brushed off the news that [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] was lying to them about Kevin’s mental health diagnosis. They showed no interest in doing anything more on the case and officially declared Kevin’s death a suicide.

The fear that stereotypical gender roles in cisgender relationships will automatically disprove any occurrence of abuse is a tremendous disincentive for men to report the abuse to authorities, or to friends and family who might be able to offer support. Even more destructively, absent a socially-accepted reason to leave a relationship that has become toxic or abusive, victims like Kevin stay in relationships that are damaging to their mental health.

The answer, I believe, is not to create a false equivalency between the abuse or harassment that men and women suffer. There is no fair comparison between the domestic violence men suffer and the devastating and pervasive violence against women baked into the misogyny that has been omnipresent throughout human history. No good comes from perpetuating that dangerous mistruth or false equivalency.

Rather, I think a better understanding of what abuse is can help both build assumed credibility for victims, better support for people who need it, and can additionally destigmatize the gender issues associated with domestic abuse that allow people like [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] to escape accountability.


I believe the best path forward is broader understanding of what abuse really is — of how influential and damaging psychological abuse is in a relationship, and how it can be used to torture and prey upon partners of any gender.

I believe — I hope — that if more people understand that not all abuse leaves bruises, that isolating, belittling, and controlling behavior can lead to just as severe and tragic results as physical abuse, then perhaps victims of abuse of any gender can receive more support free from the stigmatization and misunderstanding that prevents victims from getting the help they need. I hope that a better understanding of abuse will help us identify it when we see our friends or loved ones suffering in a toxic relationship, and will help us better understand what kind of support is needed to help remove loved ones from danger. I hope that if more people are aware that psychological abuse can be just as deadly as physical abuse, then maybe law enforcement officers would not be as quick to dismiss the idea of taking a closer look at abusers after their victims reach their tragic and suspicious ends.

This sort of nebulous prescription — an unquantifiable “better and broader understanding” — is the most challenging kind of change. This isn’t a problem that can be fixed by flipping a switch or organizing to win a vote. This sort of change demands different depictions of abuse in entertainment and the media, better and more holistic coverage of how all forms of abuse affects victims in the press, much more education about domestic abuse in classrooms, and a lot of difficult discussions between parents and their kids. This sort of change requires all of us to learn more and to speak up if we see someone dismissing the damage psychological abuse does to victims. This sort of change requires us all to honestly assess and acknowledge if the way we treat partners or co-workers or friends is unintentionally inflicting abuse or creating an unhealthy dynamic. This is the sort of change that happens slowly, sometimes painfully, and usually generationally.

And if you’ve read this far, I hope that Kevin’s story has inspired you to be a part of the change that needs to happen. Sharing personal stories like Kevin’s can help people better understand domestic and psychological abuse and the true toll it takes on victims. That is why I decided to share my brother’s story here. If you aren’t comfortable sharing your story or experience with domestic abuse, please share Kevin’s.

Kevin’s story helping people understand what domestic abuse can look like is the only way this is more than a naive grasp at assigning some lasting meaning to a tragedy that will fill my remaining days with heartbreak, grief, and longing for my twin brother, my best friend and someone who I miss every single day.

It is the only way people like [abuser’s name redacted by Medium policy] will face some form of accountability.

It is the only way things can change.



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